
  • Complimentary Dog Healthcare – Part 1 – Manuka Honey for Dogs

    With ever rising vet costs, while gratefully acknowledging the absolutely essential nature of veterinary services, I have aligned myself with more and more pet owners who are turning to complimentary natural ways of supporting their dog’s health. As an ardent advocate of antibiotics and chemical pain relief when needed, I am not going to tell…

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  • What Are Bully Sticks for Dogs and Why Do Dogs Love Them?

    What Are Bully Sticks for Dogs and Why Do Dogs Love Them?

    Bully sticks (sometimes also referred to as pizzle sticks) are a popular dog treat that dog owners are turning to. These sticks are a safe, natural, and satisfying chew option for your pup. But what exactly are they, and why do dogs seem to love them so much? Bully sticks are natural dog chews made…

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